
  • Medical Care,  Therapies

    Finally, a one-stop-shop!

    What would you give to avoid spending hours and hours online researching all the different supports you need for your child? What if someone did it for you and you could even connect with other parents of children with similar needs to your own child? Well, it turns out that you don’t need to give anything!! After her journey of seeking out resources for her own child, Caroline decided to help other families by creating a platform called MyConnect. After signing up at no cost, you will have access to a wide array of resources that range anywhere from specialty doctors to special needs attorneys in the Westchester County, NY…

  • Therapies

    These moments

    When you’re parenting a child with so many needs it’s easy to get caught up in the weeds of the day-day challenges. We often become stuck in our routine of therapy appointments and medication refills. But every once in a while we capture a moment, like the one in the photo below, that remind us what this journey is really about. It is moments like these when your child does something so unexpected and amazing that keeps us all going. Our family is so fortunate to have a school district that is committed to individualizing and accommodating our son’s needs. Because of this, despite having mostly virtual school this year…

  • Therapies

    Looking for home physical therapy activities for your young child?

    We are all just doing the best we can during this pandemic. Parents across the country are wearing so many different hats right now, leaving our heads spinning. But, remember, we are parents of children with SO many needs. I can almost guarantee that you are ALREADY wearing these hats to some extent or have done this at some point in your child’s life. Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that we have figured out everything our children need on our own.  In my own experience over the years, various talented therapists and special education teachers taught me how to help my child at home. I am sure…