• COVID-19

    Flu Shot in 2020: If you haven’t gotten one, now is the time to do it!

    Have you and your family gotten your flu shot this year? If not, here’s why it’s crucial! We are still in the middle of a pandemic and the consequences of Influenza and Coronavirus coexisting in the same season is an uncertainty. Health officials are speculating that it could be catastrophic. Why is that so? First, the public health issue of being in a pandemic remains. The additive effect of hospitalizations from the flu on top of hospitalizations from increasing numbers from COVID-19 can overburden our health care system this winter. Things may be stable now, but this can change very quickly. Second, we do not know what co-infection with the…

  • COVID-19

    Getting your child to wear a mask

    The scheduled start of the new school year is approaching quicker than we realize. Some of us are still anxiously awaiting the announcement from our school districts about what this is actually going to look like during these COVID times. What can we do to prepare our children with this uncertainty lingering into August? As we learn more about COVID-19, it has been established that wearing masks can significantly reduce the spread of this easily proliferating virus. If your school district decides on in-person instruction, it’s likely that masks will be required or “strongly encouraged”. “Easier said than done” is what many of us will say, as parents of children…

  • COVID-19

    What does “opening up” after the pandemic mean for our vulnerable children?

    You will usually find that posts on this site more factual or experience-based, so this post may seem uncharacteristic. Then again, 2020 certainly has not been a typical with the presence of the Coronavirus pandemic. None of us would question that as parents of medically fragile children, we are on high-alert when it comes to illnesses. We are ultra-careful in keeping any bugs away from them because we know the impact. We fear that an illness like COVID-19 that threatens even the healthiest people could certainly become catastrophic for our kids. Reducing risk for our children In the past few months, our lives have changed into something none of us…