Care Support

  • Care Support

    What you need to know about Medicaid before relocating to a new state with your medically-complex child

    It seems pretty simple, right? You have a whole list of medical and support services your child uses (which took you forever to get approved and scheduled). If you need to relocate, your services should “transfer” to the new state, right? It turns out that it is NOT that simple and you need to be informed prior to relocating. If your child requires services that are part of a state-funded program you should be aware that programs can vary. Many families utilize services that are part of a state Medicaid Waiver program. This means that the standard income requirements to qualify for state Medicaid are “waived” and our children can…

  • Care Support

    Getting skilled nursing care for your medically fragile child

    Has your child recently been diagnosed with a condition that requires a certain level of medical care at home? Does he/she need medical equipment at home or need medical intervention throughout the day? Does he or she need care throughout the night? Is this beyond the scope of most typical babysitters? If so, it is possible that your child could qualify for skilled nursing care either at home or at school. Skilled nursing care at home Does your child have a medical need? First, let’s talk about skilled nursing care at home. Perhaps the best way to start is to talk to your child’s pediatrician about whether he or she…

  • Care Support


    Finding child care for any child is never a simple task. If you add your child’s special needs into the mix your options are suddenly…..well, are there even options out there? Those of us with medically fragile children know that with the constantly fluctuating health status and numerous doctor and therapy appointments going to work can be very challenging. Sometimes even finding a window of opportunity to leave the house to buy groceries is tricky. Whom can we leave our child with? We might be able to train a family member to stay with our child for a quick errand, but what if no family is nearby? Our need for…