• Care Support


    Finding child care for any child is never a simple task. If you add your child’s special needs into the mix your options are suddenly…..well, are there even options out there? Those of us with medically fragile children know that with the constantly fluctuating health status and numerous doctor and therapy appointments going to work can be very challenging. Sometimes even finding a window of opportunity to leave the house to buy groceries is tricky. Whom can we leave our child with? We might be able to train a family member to stay with our child for a quick errand, but what if no family is nearby? Our need for…

  • Adaptive Clothing and Accessories

    Adaptive Clothing – The Onesie

    Where to find onesies/bodysuits for special needs children Life is easy when your child is young and various types of clothing can be found in typical cute children’s clothing stores (well, ok, life is never easy with a special needs child but you’ll see what I mean with respect to this topic when your child is older). Many of you know that once your child passes the age of 24 months some of the baby/toddler clothing we all take for granted is nowhere to be found. One of these items is a high-value item in our household, the famous ONESIE !!!!! We absolutely cannot survive without onesies. So you can…